over the edge
I have said it before and i'll say it once again for emphasis. i am completely over you. except for the occasional what-ifs marathon that tevs and i have, i am absolutely, without any doubt over, over, over you.
Prove it? I already did.
You came back with a vengeance with a dinner date invitation. i was utterly shocked when you introduced me as some girlfriend of yours to your 'gang'. that night produced more questions rather than answered the great many i already had. more invites to movies, coffee, and quiet talks followed but i didn't want to deal. when you couldn't have your way, you stalked me. pleeeease, what else would you call hanging around our building's Starbucks before and after your work hours in the hopes to have a word with me!?!
You had your chance to explain everything when our paths finally crossed. you told me what i needed to know most, that once upon a time you loved me. those two hours you spent confessing all that could have been between us meant nothing. you merely aired your side of the story which unfortunately holds no more interest for me.
An old man whining about the complicated life he imagines to live is not the stuff romantic comedies are made of. i don't want you anymore. you are neither my crush nor my hoped for soulmate now. i'd like to have you as a friend, it would be pretty fun to hang around again, eat out, play badminton, and watch movies. but apparantly being "just friends" is rubbish for you.
Suit yourself. Advanced Happy Birthday.
See you around...