under the weather

walang tigil ang ulan
at nassan ka araw?
at nassan ka araw?
it has been raining non-stop this week. nothings but drizzles and constant showers. i have yet to see the sun shining brightly. everything has been damp, damp, damp! yes, i love rain...i love how cool the weather gets, the gentle tip-tapping sound rainshowers make against the rooftops and how everything seems to be cleansed and blessed and sparkling with a certain crispness in the air.
rain in makati does not arouse the same senasation.
the moment it starts pouring acid (what else could anything so awful be?) a horrid stench arises, the streets start flooding and a deluge of garbage, mud and other gunk will all suddenly appear on pavements and walkways. sudddenly all forms of transportation will be packed with soaking wet people, and everyone will just get stuck either in a highway with bumper to bumper traffic or in a loading and unloading zone unable to get a ride home.haay!
rainy season is an interesting time to take note of makati yuppies' garbs...this week i've seen people in leather jackets, fluffy parkas, shawls of all colors, knee-high leather boots and long trench coats. i dunno if these people have ever heard of pvc or plain waterproof textiles? i, on the other hand have been braving rainshowers in bermudas and flipflops!you think stepping in a murky puddle with exposed feet is gross? try not taking your leather boots rubber shoes or sneaks after encountering a flood and see how that feels...that is more eeeewwwww...